Thursday, 7 February 2013

Any fool can make something complicated!

I'm wondering what it is in humans that seems to compel us to make everything we can complicated.

When studying Zen I was struck by the row upon row of books about 'the direct way beyond words'

When in shiatsu school I felt and saw the desire to get to the next level. The more complicated it became the more real it felt. Maybe not real, maybe authentic.

In Zen they talk about beginners mind being a goal. But soon seem to leave it behind with ever more complicated explanations. The work of D.T. Suzuki comes to mind in this respect.

When working with clients are we afraid that what we offer seeming too simple, with a fear that they may think they are not getting their money's worth.

Techniques are good, we need to know what we are doing, but I feel that touch without an open heart and clear (simple) compassion has little if any value.  

Keeping it simple.........not simple but I (we) need to re-learn the lesson as often as possible

The story goes that when the Buddha gained enlightenment, he saw the suffering of all the beings in the world. He saw us merrily doing the things that course the suffering and shed many tears. 
When the tears hit the ground, they became Tara, the manifestation of compassion.

May all being be free from suffering and the causes of suffering 

May all being know happiness and the courses of happiness 

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