Tuesday, 22 January 2013

The mind secrets thoughts

The mind secrets thoughts
In the same way that the
Salivary Glands secretes saliva

So why do we take them quite so seriously? 
They can be really useful but maybe we don't have to believe all of them.
And of those we do believe in, it may be useful not to hold on to them quite so tightly.

When we do grasp them tightly, we often experience mental rope burn, a painful condition which often seems to have the affect of making us hold on even tighter. 

Thoughts are so often in the past or the future, very seldom in the present. The body however is always in the present. And if attended to closely can give clear indications of where we are and what we are feeling in a really clear and open way.

"My life has been filled with terrible misfortune; most of which never happened".

                                                               Michel de Montaigne