Monday, 8 June 2015

How do you Roll?

Over the last 15 years or so I have been rolling

I have been rolling on foam rollers, the GridRumble Rollers, TP Therapy Rollers, lacrosse balls, tennis balls, dog toy balls, Jill Miller yoga therapy balls, golf balls........

What's all this rolling been about; well that has been evolving and changing but the basic idea has been to do self massage. Sometimes based on working muscles, sometimes fascia, sometimes connective tissue and sometimes all of those.

I have been unable to find a massage or bodyworker who prices as I do, so I can't afford regular sessions. The rolling has been an attempt to get a good self massage and deal with the normal everyday issues that come up if you own a body and want to feel at ease in it.

Over the last few weeks I have been using a different bit of kit and the change has been very noticeable.
I found a second hand book by Yamuna Zake about body rolling; she sells her own balls but I thought I could adapt her methods to the tools I already owned. 
Well I found I could not. A huge part of her approach is about letting go. Letting go of tension in the muscles which allows lengthening and change to happen.

I realised that the other tools were causing me to hold, to hold on and to push back against the various balls and rollers. They were just too hard, too abrasive, too challenging. Now this is me and at this time, the other tools I have used can be great and can allow some change. But for me at the moment Yamuna Balls are allowing real change to happen. And the results are happening because I'm able to let go

Yamuna's work can be found here

If you are interested in buying the balls I would suggest Yoga Space really nice people