Thursday, 30 April 2015

The body and loving oneself

For quit a while now I have been practicing a form of meditation called loving kindness. The structure is that one develops loving thoughts towards others; close loved ones, not so close loved ones, strangers, people we don't like, people we really despise and finally oneself. 
Of these groups the one I have always had the most problems with has been myself. Generating genuine compassion towards myself seems to be very difficult. I have spoken with quite a few folks around this and my experience is not uncommon. 

I can be really quick to see the less than perfect aspects of myself. My self judgment can be so much harsher than I would ever judge others. If I spoke to others how I internally speak to myself I think I would be friendless very quickly. 

And when it comes to my historical judgment and attitudes towards my body, well it really has not been skilful. 

So I have been starting to try to develop a practice of love and patience towards myself, to treat myself with the same (if not better) level of compassion that I would others. I'm actively practising in meditation and Yoga and dropping into it throughout the day when I remember. 

It's a work in progress but something that I feel is essential. How can I really offer compassion or love to others if I can't offer it to myself.