Monday, 17 June 2013

Bags (old and new)

Bags have been bothering me lately. Well to be fair I have been obsessing about bags. 
I have been spending a lot of my time out and about watching how folks interact with their bags. But more importantly how their bags interact with them. 

I find a huge amount of the  world makes no sense to me, little more so than fashion. 
I know I'm an old git, but the primary way I choose any item that's going to interact with my body is comfort. Specifically can I maintain good posture and movement patterns if I choose to buy and use this thing. 

Through some miracle we have been born into this body. This body, this one body. And it's this body that we are going to use to negotiate our way through from birth to death. 

Now I firmly believe that our bodies are designed to work, pain free (with the obvious exceptions of pathology and injury) until we are 110 years old, when we fall out of the apple tree, or crash off our longboard. 

To do this we need to set up and maintain great movement patterns. This means every day (and night) all the time. When it comes to movement what we do becomes who we are. As Kelly Starrett says practice does not make perfect it makes permanent.  

So when we hold a bag over one shoulder or one arm we change the dynamic of our spine, shoulders and hips. A bag held over the right shoulder forces that shoulder up (to hold onto the bag) which then tends to force the same hip up to compensate, curving the spine and changing the angle of the legs to the hips, affecting the knees and ankles. Ones ability to stand and walk is therefore compromised, over decades its very seriously compromised. 

Doing this every once in a while is one thing, but every day is another. Remember practice makes permanent. 

Throw high heals and restrictive skirts into the mix and we have no end of fun.

One body; come on.