I have been very focused on the body for the last 10 years or so. Firstly through Kempo, then Shiatsu. I have come to develop a good understanding of experiencing the world with and through my body. The process has not always been easy, actually it's never been easy and has often been way ugly. My relationship with my body had been rocky for decades. Experiencing eating disorders and very poor self image, the journey to a better relationship has never been boring.
Whilst doing the Shiatsu course I have, I think, been feeling more and more that the body was all. I think that my perspective has maybe become a little too body based. I may have become a little off balance.
My reflection on this has been as a result of my recent study of the Anapanasati Sutra. A very important early Buddhist text from the Pali cannon. Great weight is given to the body, the breath, sense experience but also the mind and emotions. The link between the body and the mind is very clear within the sutra.
I will continue to have the body and the breath as my primary focus, both in my own meditation practice and with clients through Shiatsu. But I feel that it's time to integrate more mind also.
My feeling is that body based practice is still the most appropriate for 99% of western people, we have such a head based culture. It remains the most effective way of tackling so many issues but I'm just allowing a little more space for the mind but through the body.
This experience of mind through the breath/body is so different to our normal way of being in the mind, as ruled by the monkey mind.
If you have not experienced the quite, sharpness, focus and peace of experiencing ones self and the world through the body, then I can't recommend it enough, the Buddha saw it as the road to liberation. I experience it as a road to better understanding, of myself, the world, others and of course my old friend, my body.
A good place to start is with meditation, there are lots of great places to study (see the links below)
Of course I also think that Shiatsu is a fantastic way to connect with the body in a really positive, powerful and different way.
The Buddhist society is a good safe place to search for meditation spaces and classes http://www.thebuddhistsociety.org/
I have attended Yamyang off and on for the last 15 years http://www.jamyang.co.uk/
Amaravati are very lovely http://www.amaravati.org/
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