Wednesday 11 January 2012

Blank Body Areas

Blank areas

As a body worker we tend to focus, for all sorts of good reason, on areas of; pain, stiffness, worry,  discomfort, well you get the idea. 
Recently I have been thinking that a different approach could be to look at the opposite. So too look at blank areas, parts of the body where the shop closed sign is up.  

We develop a surprising amount of areas on the body that when we quietly focus on them, we realise we have no, or little sensation coming from.
These areas can develop as a result of psychological stress, one off psychological events, physical injury, and peer pressure to walk/talk/be a particular way.

When we start to work the area, and get through the initial resistance it can be shocking, releasing, difficult, euphoric but seldom neutral.

These areas of holding or blocking have come about often over a long period, as a protective measure; be it not wanting to turn our ankle again or not wanting to be ridiculed about or emerging breasts, our height or our lovely large tummies. The plan is to hold the area, in that way, well nothing bad can happen can it! The holding becomes habitual and quickly we have an area of the body map that’s blank.

The results of this can be really devastating, on a physical level, the ankle that we can’t see, we will turn over again and again. The effects of areas held through psychological reasons lead to, or contribute towards any amount of issues. From depression to an inability to move on and fully thrive.

So what I’m saying, I think, is to pay more attention to the areas that are blank, that we don’t pay attention to. It’s no surprise but I suggest getting some body work from someone who is sensitive enough to listen to these crucial areas. 

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